some slime jokes!!!

Q: Why do people love slime jokes?
A: Because they are goooreat!
Q: Why are slime jokes so popular for Halloween?
A: They are in the top 10 goooo gle rankings!
Q: What did the baby slime say to its mommy?
A: Goo-goo!
Q: What did one slug say to the other slug who had hit him and run off?
A: I’ll get you next slime!
Q: What did the slug say as he slipped down the wall?
A: How slime flies!
Q: What is the most famus slime movie of all time?
A: Raiders of the Lost Goo!
Q: What is tall, green, and has bolts in its neck?
A: Franken-Slime!
Q: What do you do when two snails have a fight?
A: Leave them to slug it out!
Q: What is slime’s favorite game?
A: Slimon Says!
Q: What do you do with blue slime?
A: Try to cheer it up!
Q: What do slime molds have more of than lawyers?
A: Respect.
Q: What does molds, ooze, and lawyers have in common?
A: They’re all slime.
Q: What the difference between going into a haunted mansion or a lawyers office?
A: You come out with slime all over from the lawyers office!
Q: What’s the difference between a slime monster and a bucket of slime?
A: The bucket!
Q: What’s the difference between a catfish and an attorney?
A: One’s a mud-sucking, slime-eating bottom feeder, and the other’s a fish!
Q: Why was the monster so concerned when he found slime on his shoes?
A: He thought he was melting!
Q: What do you call two zombies up to their necks in slime?
A: Not enough slime!
Q: What’s invisible and lies in the gutter?
A: A ghost with the slime kicked out of him!
Q: What’s the difference between a jellyfish and slime?
A: One’s a spineless, poisonous blob. The other is a form of sea life!
Q: What’s the difference between green slime and a leech?
A: After you die, a leech stops sucking your blood!
Q: How many slime jokes are there?
A: Only three. The rest are true horror stories!
Q: What’s the difference between a mosquito and slime?
A: One is a blood-sucking parasite, the other is supernatural goo!
Q: What do you get when you cross a blonde and green slime?
A: I don’t know. There are some things even a blonde won’t do!
Q: Where can you find a good slime?
A: In the cemetery!
Q: Why do they bury slime monsters under 20 feet of dirt?
A: Because deep down, they make really good monsters!
Q: If you drop a snake and a can of slime off the Empire State Building, which one hits first?
A: Who cares?
Q: What’s the difference between a vampire and slime?
A: You can negotiate with a vampire!
Q: Dad can I have a tub of slime for Halloween?
A: Sure son. Just jump in to the bath tub!
Q: Where does slime find the best slime jokes for Halloween?
Q: What do you call a ghost that slimes?
A: Slimer!
Q: What makes a slime ghost happy?
A: Putting slime on a ghost buster!
Q: What color is slime?
A: Green!
Q: What does slime think of Halloween?
A: It thinks it”s gooreat!

Knock, Knock
Who’s there?
Green Who?
Green Smile!

Knock, Knock
Who’s there?
Goo Who?
Goo for you!

Knock, Knock
Who’s there?
Happy Who?
Happy Halloween To Goo!

Knock, Knock
Who’s there?
Tub Who?
Tub of slime!


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